When Apple replaced iPhoto with the new Photos app in OS X Yosemite, we lost the ability to shuffle (randomize) the slide order. This was a big loss for those of us who have to quickly create slideshows from a large number of photos for a party or school event. Often we’ll have several photos […]
Analog EdTech – We Don’t Need No Stinking Electrons!
The best, most engaging learning experiences don’t have to come with wires attached. I saw a beautiful reminder of that when I came across this photo tweeted by Danielle Harlow (@Dani805). Along with the photo she tweeted, “My daughter brought her magnifying glass on our walk to pre-school. Made our walk a constant investigation.” I spend most […]
I’m the Technology Director at Garden Street Academy–a progressive K-12 school in southern California that emphasizes project-based learning and critical thinking as well as social and emotional development. Our students are growing up in the midst of a technological revolution with unprecedented access to information and people that is dramatically transforming how they learn. To […]