I’m the Technology Director at Garden Street Academy–a progressive K-12 school in southern California that emphasizes project-based learning and critical thinking as well as social and emotional development.
Our students are growing up in the midst of a technological revolution with unprecedented access to information and people that is dramatically transforming how they learn. To flourish in this new world, they will need to learn how to process and share that information, and then create something new from it.
The best laid schemes of mice and men
Often go awry.
Those lines are paraphrased from the poem “To a Mouse” by Robert Burns. John Steinbeck also used that for his novel “Of Mice and Men.” I like that line because it reminds me that, despite our best intentions, introducing new technology into the classroom doesn’t always improve learning. Often it can create more problems than it solves.
I’m lucky to work with an amazing and innovative staff. We love to experiment and try new things to make learning fun and meaningful to our students. This blog is my exploration of technology to help improve education for students, teachers, and parents.